21 April 2009

If a conservative did it...

The title of this blog is like the OJ book, but it is to introduce a new feature to conservative uncensored.

Imagine these headlines...
1) Bush administration releases memo to be on alert for "left-wing extremists."
2) Governor Sarah Palin buys stock in spouses employer after securing earmarked funds from state legislature, before the deal is announced.

Imagine what Olberjerk-off would do if these things were true. Hell not even anyone as extreme as Olberjerk-off, how would the SCUM at CNN, ABC or CBS report these things? Many of you have figured out what I'm driving at, here's what really happenend this week.

1) Fire Napolitano


DHS Chief Janet Napolotano released a security memo last week to be on the alert for "right-wing" extremists (linked above).

Now I've read into the memo. Admittedly it starts by talking about the most extreme racist factions. But why did the government use the term "right-wing," instead of racist, or militant-relgious. If you read further down (bottom of p.4 on the linked pdf) you see...

"Many rightwing extremists are antagonistic toward the new presidential administration and its perceived stance on a range of issues, including immigration and citizenship, the expansion of social programs to minorities, and restrictions on firearms ownership and use."

Think about this, you can be defined as an right-wing extremist if you happen to believe
*In the preservation of the 2nd amendment
*There should be a reduction in social programs
*If you believe in people coming to the country legally.

What is mind boggling about this is that this is exactly the kind of thing the left accused the Patriot Act of doing. But people crying out against the Patriot Act are incredibly silent about this, because this is persecution of opposing ideas, not their own. This is in Black and White, plain as day an attempt to The height of hypocracy.

Republican's have resigned over far less, Napalotono's head should roll, except for the fact Pres. Obama doesn't give a damn about the constitution.

2) DiFi (new CU blogword, CA Senator Diane Feinstein) caught in insider trading


DiFi has been caught earmarking money for his husbands firm who benefits from all of this real-estate bailout money. Her Husband's firm got $25B from the taxpayer and he with the rest of the board made many millions more by repurchasing stock without disclosing this inside information.

Read the story for yourself, it's 9 pages long, but you get the details about how DiFi's husband and company made money off of $25B of our taxpayer dollars, sick.

15 April 2009

Pirates and Foreign Policy

So I was very excited to find out that three Pirates were shot dead for holding an american ship captain hostage off the coast of Africa on Sunday morning.

Congrats to President Obama for getting a successful conclusion. However, it seems that the Navy's seals orders were only to fire if the hostages life in danger and this directive was not in place until Saturday Morning. This seems to be why the Navy wasn't able to assist the first time the hostage tried to escape.

While I do congratulate President Obama for whatever part he had (which is a matter of wide debate) in getting the best conclusion possible, I think President Obama will need to be judged on how he handles the future.

This threat won't go away and the lives of those that carry aid and goods to that part of the world are in jeopardy. So far we took one captive, where are we goign to keep him. If only there was a prison off our shores for the dangerous enemies of our nation that were still open.

But the point is will Obama take a proactive stance and use the military to make the shipping routes safer, or will he hope this goes away by ignoring it. Unfortunatly I believe one who set a record for voting present is likley to do the latter, but we'll wait and see.

Best of the Media (new cu blogword, new segment described below).

I try and take in the news and opinions I can. This clip comes from the Chris Baker show, 7-11am weekday mornings on KTLK in Minneapolis/St. Paul. It's a funny parody of a famous 70s classic describing Obama's foregin policy as defined by his recent world tour.

(click above to play with default settings, or right click and select "Save Target As" to download).