15 October 2008

Presidental Debate Part III

Anger Alert Level: 1 (Low, in fact I'm almost giddy)

I don't know what part of the debate I liked best...

1) The part where McCain said he wasn't racist and Obama blew him off

2) The part where Obama had to defend his screwing of Joe the Plumber (which really demonstrates Rush Limbaugh's contention that Obama's american dream ends at $250K)

3) The part where McCain told Obama to run 4 years ago if he wanted to oppose Bush

4) The part where Obama had to defend not sticking to his pledge to stick to public financing unlike McCain

5) The part where Obama had to defend the $850,000 ACORN bribe

6) The part where Obama couldn't defend foregin policy "expert" Joe Biden's stance against the first gulf war, and against the troop surge.

7) The part where Obama couldn't explain why he opposes offshore drilling and nuclear power when that will get us off of forgein oil

8) The part where Obama looked absolutly confused on free trade

9) The part where he had to admit that small buisness may not be able to afford his government healthcare plan and would be exempt since the big buisness were the only ones that could afford it.

10) The part when Obama tries to say he reaches across the aisle but missed the chance to join McCain's "gang of 15" on Bush's appointments (in the interest of full disclosure this is one of the reasons I don't like McCain, but it illstrates Obama's partisanship and inablitly to bring people together)

11) The part when Obama explained that his present vote to kill abortion survivers is in fact being opposed to partial-birth abortion

12) The part when I distinctly heard NEA members across the country cringe when McCain suggested that bad teachers find another line of work

13) The part where McCain so succinctly summarized Obamas position on school competition and vouchers "Because there's not enough vouchers; therefore, we shouldn't do it, even though it's working. I got it."

As of this I've only watch about 30 minutes of the Fox News channel panel, and they seem content to take the PC-everyone's-a-winner-line saying this was a draw and therefore Obama won. I don't buy it, these punches landed and will shape the tone of the last few weeks. Is it too little too late for McCain? that's the only question, but he hurt Obama tonight, make no mistake.

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