12 June 2009

Why the Pay Czar is bad...

AAL 2:

So I got a response to my facebook status....

"YAY We're all going to going to make less money! YAY for hope and change (and if you think it's just the rich that are screwed you are sorely mistaken)."

This is in reference to Obama's nomination of a Pay Czar. To "reform" (they used every word they possibly could without admitting it's a "cap") exectutive pay. And what started as a two graph response morphed into a full fledged essay, because I wanted to be as thorough as possible.

Even without going to the fact that revenue and buisness investment and jobs created all increased after the Regan Tax cut lets just think about it terms of President Obama's own words.

His stated goal is to "spread the wealth around," which lead to his campaign promise was not to touch anyone making under $250K/yr (see cu blogword OWL). According to the most recent IRS Data in 2006, The top 5% for income earners ($154K) payed 60% of the income tax despite earning just 37% of the income.

Okay we're going to have to deviate here in the context of President Obama's budget. Obama is going to spend $3,500,000,000,000 (3.5T, but I think we need the zeroes for effect) in the budget approved. Right now our tax revenues are just over $1T. To make up for this shortfall Obama assumes he can raise another 1T by letting the Bush Tax cuts expire (which I obviously question, but will let slide for the sake of argument).

But people in the top 5% are paying an average tax rate of 21% (keep in mind this does not account for any state, local, sales taxes or user fees).

Back to why the Pay Czar is bad,

If they drop the incomes of people in this bracket, that's less income they tax, plus the risk they would then be paying at a lower rate if they fall into a smaller bracket, which seems foolish beacuse these are the people he's counting on for $1T in tax revenue by letting the Bush tax cuts expire. Either they will be paying a percentage on less income, or a smaller percentage on less income, unless Obama is so determined to raise his $1T that he will have to...

1) Raise taxes on the lower brackets (not just the people above the OWL)
2) Print money (which devalues all dollars in circulation, which raises prices, which is essentally a pay cut for everyone).

Both of which would be disasterous for the economy as prices would skyrocket (inflation from printing money, essentially a pay cut for everyone) and would raise unemployment. I believe unemployment hits the least qualified among us first, then paying out unemployment benefits puts a further burden on our budget (not that I'm against all forms of welfare, I'm just stating the fact there is a cost to society for it).

Of course I think the easy solution is not to propose a $3,500,000,000,000 budget in the first place, and give tax cuts to encourage buisnesses to hire and invest. (though admittedly it would probably take a few years to recover from this deficit). However, Obama will likley take the route of higher taxes, because the left generally rejoices in assigning higher percentages to higher income. But in the end, we're staring at inflation, fewer jobs, less pay for lower level jobs, therefore cutting everyone's throats in the end.


12 May 2009

Pres. Obama's a hypocrite again...


After chiding buisness execs for using corporate jets for their cross country transportation, and also after chiding people for taking junkets to places like Las Vegas, Pres. Obama is flying the first private jet to sin city to raise money for the biggest sinner in the Senate, Harry Reid.


True Observation #2.
The worst sin according to a liberal is hypocracy (Note: rule only applies if the hypocrite is a conservative).

Every left winger in the world delights in the (loosly percieved) hypocracies of conservatives, but President Obama is being blatantly hypocritical here. But I suppose I'm an idiot if I expect a nasty liberal to realize this.

21 April 2009

If a conservative did it...

The title of this blog is like the OJ book, but it is to introduce a new feature to conservative uncensored.

Imagine these headlines...
1) Bush administration releases memo to be on alert for "left-wing extremists."
2) Governor Sarah Palin buys stock in spouses employer after securing earmarked funds from state legislature, before the deal is announced.

Imagine what Olberjerk-off would do if these things were true. Hell not even anyone as extreme as Olberjerk-off, how would the SCUM at CNN, ABC or CBS report these things? Many of you have figured out what I'm driving at, here's what really happenend this week.

1) Fire Napolitano


DHS Chief Janet Napolotano released a security memo last week to be on the alert for "right-wing" extremists (linked above).

Now I've read into the memo. Admittedly it starts by talking about the most extreme racist factions. But why did the government use the term "right-wing," instead of racist, or militant-relgious. If you read further down (bottom of p.4 on the linked pdf) you see...

"Many rightwing extremists are antagonistic toward the new presidential administration and its perceived stance on a range of issues, including immigration and citizenship, the expansion of social programs to minorities, and restrictions on firearms ownership and use."

Think about this, you can be defined as an right-wing extremist if you happen to believe
*In the preservation of the 2nd amendment
*There should be a reduction in social programs
*If you believe in people coming to the country legally.

What is mind boggling about this is that this is exactly the kind of thing the left accused the Patriot Act of doing. But people crying out against the Patriot Act are incredibly silent about this, because this is persecution of opposing ideas, not their own. This is in Black and White, plain as day an attempt to The height of hypocracy.

Republican's have resigned over far less, Napalotono's head should roll, except for the fact Pres. Obama doesn't give a damn about the constitution.

2) DiFi (new CU blogword, CA Senator Diane Feinstein) caught in insider trading


DiFi has been caught earmarking money for his husbands firm who benefits from all of this real-estate bailout money. Her Husband's firm got $25B from the taxpayer and he with the rest of the board made many millions more by repurchasing stock without disclosing this inside information.

Read the story for yourself, it's 9 pages long, but you get the details about how DiFi's husband and company made money off of $25B of our taxpayer dollars, sick.

15 April 2009

Pirates and Foreign Policy

So I was very excited to find out that three Pirates were shot dead for holding an american ship captain hostage off the coast of Africa on Sunday morning.

Congrats to President Obama for getting a successful conclusion. However, it seems that the Navy's seals orders were only to fire if the hostages life in danger and this directive was not in place until Saturday Morning. This seems to be why the Navy wasn't able to assist the first time the hostage tried to escape.

While I do congratulate President Obama for whatever part he had (which is a matter of wide debate) in getting the best conclusion possible, I think President Obama will need to be judged on how he handles the future.

This threat won't go away and the lives of those that carry aid and goods to that part of the world are in jeopardy. So far we took one captive, where are we goign to keep him. If only there was a prison off our shores for the dangerous enemies of our nation that were still open.

But the point is will Obama take a proactive stance and use the military to make the shipping routes safer, or will he hope this goes away by ignoring it. Unfortunatly I believe one who set a record for voting present is likley to do the latter, but we'll wait and see.

Best of the Media (new cu blogword, new segment described below).

I try and take in the news and opinions I can. This clip comes from the Chris Baker show, 7-11am weekday mornings on KTLK in Minneapolis/St. Paul. It's a funny parody of a famous 70s classic describing Obama's foregin policy as defined by his recent world tour.

(click above to play with default settings, or right click and select "Save Target As" to download).

31 March 2009

Red Eye! and New Blog Features...


I just want to say a word about my favorite show on Fox News Channel, "Red Eye w/ Greg Gutfeld." This is my guilty pleasure every night and the big reason to get a DVR if you can't handle the 3am eastern timeslot.

This show is simply awesome in its irreverence, yet brilliance. Andrew Brietbart wrote a great review:

"In an era of extreme political correctness, when almost everyone is offended by almost everything, and with self-appointed advocacy groups organized to find offense on behalf of almost everyone - offensively, without the majority in the group's consent - it's nice to know that there's a place to go where everyone can be offended almost all of the time. "

(Full article: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009/jan/26/boycott-red-eye-with-greg-gutfeld/. )

Anyway you will notice a "Red Eye" video feed from foxnews.com's RSS service on the right hand side of this blog.

Also I added RSS feeds to many other conservative pundits and blogs. I want this blog to become a simple hub where you can get overloaded with the best conservative media on the net. Please let me know if there's anything else you'd like to see here :).

30 March 2009

C'mon dems, defend Howard Dean on this....


All right dems, excuse this...


It's well documented at olbermannwatch.com that Obeljerk-off, is, well a jerk-off. (BTW if anyone from NBC sports is reading I haven't watched an NFL pre-game or halftime show because Olberjerk-off is at the desk).

But Howard Dean hoping we'll forget about the things he said about President Bush and other republicains when he was in office.

"You know, the Republicans are not very friendly to different kinds of people. They're a pretty monolithic party. Pretty much, they all behave the same, and they all look the same. ... It's pretty much a white Christian party.''

"This president is not interested in being a good president. He's interested in some complicated psychological situation that he has with his father."

"You think people can work all day and then pick up their kids at child care or wherever and get home and still manage to sandwich in an eight-hour vote? Well Republicans, I guess can do that. Because a lot of them have never made an honest living in their lives." (unlike many Kennedy's apparantly)

"I hate Republicans and everything they stand for. "

"John Ashcroft is not a patriot, John Ashcroft is a descendant of Joseph McCarthy. "

“As long as George Bush is president, we are going to create a permanent class system, ... And we're going to change that as soon as we can. What George Bush has done is give our money to his friends paying for his re-election. He made it impossible for people like you to go to college.”

These quotes are from those right wing nut-jobs at brainyquote.com and thinkexist.com (DIS, new CU blogword, "Dripping in sarcasm"). Many of these were mentioned in TV's Andy Levy's "Red Eye" halftime report if you made to the final minute of the video linked above...

My point is I guess everything Dean said is okay, as long as he didn't say "facist." Of course no one on CNN or MSNBC is going to call Dean on this (there's a reason he went on the program with the biggest idiot on cable news). In the meantime CNN's D.L. Hughley is all to happy to call the GOP Nazi's right to Chairman Steele's face.

C'mon dems, defend your position that the right wing is lying about media bias. I f**king dare you!

24 March 2009

Funny Headlines, parable notes...


In currency news on drudgereport today...

FLASHBACK: Kremlin to Pitch New Currency...
NBC's the Office FLASHBACK: Would be regional manager pitches the ShruteBuck motivational tool.

Parable Explained....

So my story about Barney Frank and AIG in my previous post (click here) is designed to make a few points.

1) Barney Frank and the left are absolute moron's. This outrage is so phony over the bonuses, when congress wasn't even supposed to read the bill that passed the bailout in the first place. Furthermore, the amount of the bailout is over 1000 times that of these bonuses, yet every time anyone questioned the wisdom of this plan they were told to "Give Obama a chance."

2) AIG should just give all the money back and go bankrupt. It's either them or the government at this point with this adminstration. The Obama administration keeps proposing $1 Trillion ($1,000,000,000,000) bailouts at the rate of one every few months. What happened here is a cautionary tale to all private buisess that accepting bailouts doesn't mean free money. The price is your soul for socialism, as the Obama adminstration has made it perfectly clear they're going to tell you how much you can people, where you can go on retreats, and how to manage your buisness (even though almost no members of congress have been succesful in the private sector themselves to ANY extent).

Locally Wells Fargo and TCF are starting to get this and they're having second thoughts about signing on to the bailout. They are saying they were strongarmed, but still they should've had the sense to say no.

20 March 2009

Rep. Barney Frank goes to The Wiz...

Congressman Barney Frank (D-MA) goes to The Wiz (beacuase nobody beats him). The Wiz is an electronics store in the Northeast immortalized by that little "Seinfield" reference. But I'm already off topic (sorry, this might happen a lot during this story).

Known for their expert service, Frank encounters this location's top sales clerk. He's a college student who earns more at the Wiz than most of his peers because he's paid on commission and is very good with the customers (he's probably in the upper class of "poor college students" if you will). By the way this particual college student is running up a little more student loan debt than he planned because he recently changed his major from architechure to city planning (I know that has nothing to do with anything, but bear with me).

Frank buys himself a new HDTV Projector, other home theater equipment, new computer system, police scanner, and all kinds of other electronics both for his home in Massachusetts and in Washington, DC. He also buys the extended warranty and the Wiz decided to throw in free delivery to both locations (because "Nobody beats the Wiz"). So all total let's say he spent, oh let's pick a random number, about $17,300. So now he's proud that he got a good deal, because as one of Elaine's ex-boyfriends says in the commercial, "Nobody beats The Wiz."

So Frank comes back home and sees his stuff has been delivered. Excited about the new toys he's acquired he has one the lackeys he brought back from Washington to install everything for him (I'm sorry I can't disclose the nature of the relationship between Frank and his lackey's, why am I getting distracted by this).

Anyway the time finally comes for Frank to push the power button, and boom, smoke out of amplifiers, random power surge, everything's broken. Frank just spent $17,300 on all this stuff that doesn't work. Now most customers of the Wiz know they can usually get most of their money back or exchange their products for working items, but that's not good enough for Frank.
Frank exclaims "Nobody beats the Wiz! Heh! I'm going to beat the shit out of the Wiz." So he and his lackey (again I'm not sure of the nature of this relationship, stop distracting me) take all the stuff back to the store. Now most customers know they can get all their money back or replacement items if goods are delivered damaged or defective.

The Wiz will give all the money back for the defective goods (because "Nobody beats the Wiz!"). But apparantly that's not good enough for Frank as he refuses to be refunded his $17,300. Upon arriving at the store he threatens to subpoena everyone that works at the Wiz. He wants to release the names of the sales clerks, and their income statements to the media. He threatens to fund an organiation that is going to give bus tours to see how lavishly people that work for The Wiz live. An if that isn't enough Frank demands he be refunded $16.50 back once he found out this particluar sales clerk earned a bonus for meeting his extended warranty sales goal.

Frank then screams, "If I don't get my $16.50 I'm going to go to Washington to pass a bill that all extended warranty bonuses be taxed at 90% for all electroncis clerks I buy from." (Frank also took this occasion to demand that the Wiz extend $2000 of credit to all their disadvantaged customers, regardless of their ability to repay, because HDTV is a right in this country. Again I got distracted, sorry back to the main story).

So Frank leaves without his $17,300 and heads to Washington to pass this bill. He finds an ally in Congresswoman Caroyln McCarthy (D-NY) who has a history of hating "upper class poor college students." She tells the media "A hundred percent isn't enough, if I could I would tax him a thousand percent."

Now McCarthy is demanding $165 and is screaming in the media, over this purchase Frank made for $17,300. The angry left wing donors are pouring in. "Screw the 'upper-class poor college student'." It's not fair that they have more money, especially when they sell a bad product we're stuck with. They're raising millions in campaign contributions from George Soros over this. And they are the "champions of the little guy" because they're being oppress by this evil "upper-class poor college student."

Should the Wiz keep offering the money back? Or with Frank and McCarthy just refuse it anyway because they need the campaign issue to justify the government taking over Discount Electronics stores?

I did no real research into the Wiz or their return poicies or whether or not Rep. Frank has ever been a customer. The particular story above is fictional. C'mon, it's kind of ridiculous to think elected officials might act like this real life? Isn't It....

03 March 2009

Rush is Right, and maybe a little wrong...


Shocking title I know, that I would say the Maha Rushie is ever incorrect, we'll get to that later.

First, if you haven't had a chance to see his C-PAC speech, you need to. And if you're a leftist, frankly I dare you.

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qtvtBGWgBc

Don't worry, it's a CNN feed for those of you who are allergic to "We Report, You Decide." I couldn't find a "pure feed" searching CNN video, just videos of all their panelists complaining about Rush, no see for yourself type links.

Transcript: http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/home/daily/site_030209/content/01125106.guest.html

Sorry distracted by my SCUM barbs...

Rush on race...
"You know what the cliche is, a conservative: racist, sexist, bigot, homophobe. Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen of America, if you were paying attention, I know you were, the racism in our culture was exclusively and fully on display in the Democrat primary last year. [Applause]
It was not us asking whether Barack Obama was authentic. What we were asking is: Is he wrong? We concluded, yes. We still think so. But we didn't ask if he was authentically black. We didn't say, as some Southern Christian Leadership Conference leaders said: Barack is not authentic, he's not got any slave blood. He's really not down for the struggle, but his wife is."

Contrary to the what the hate-mongering SCUM would have you believe, it is not the right that has (to paraphrase Dr. King) judged Pres. Obama by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character. But to the left everything that can be about race, is about race. Which means there is no honest disagreement with them as long as any critisim is assumed to be racial.

Rush on the role of politicians...
"All politicians including President Obama are temporary stewards of this nation. It is not their task to remake the founding of this country. It is not their task to tear it apart and rebuild it in their image."

This is why conservatives are disgusted with how much Pres. Obama and the liberals (including republicans Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe and Arlen Specter) are spending. Taking from the earners and giving to the irresponsible. That is not the principle this country was founded on. Obama should not be trying to change this about our nation, but he is.

Wanting Obama to fail...
First off Rush Limbaugh saying "I hope [Obama] fails" is the last line in a context of Obama's plans to change the United States into a socialist nation we don't recognize. Be that as it may, the only problem I have with the language "I hope he fails" is the implication that it's Limbaugh's hope that will make the difference...

At conservativeuncensored.com, we believe that Obama's policies are bad, regardless of who's hoping for what. It doesn't matter if Limbaugh gets 3 wishes from a genie or not. Obama's policies WILL FAIL, regardless of who hopes for it. I think even Limbaugh agrees with that.

26 February 2009

Big Budget, the Rich can't support it


A good opinion piece in "The Wall Street Journal"


If you don't bother to read it yourself the basic point is raising the taxes of the wealthist 2% of filers will raise nowhere near enough to cover President Obama's budget. Even if the government were to confiscate every nickel the rich had it wouldn't cover it.

Do you know what this means?

It means we're going further in the deficits for which Pres. Obama criticized Pres. Bush. Otherwise, Obama's going to have to raise taxes on more than just the people above the OWL. Either way he's lied and he is going to hurt the economy.

True Observations (New CUB, defined below)....
As an occasional feature conservativeuncensored.com is going to develop a collection of observations to highlight flaws in liberal thought with conservative thinking.

Observation #1...
"Tax the rich" policies achieve nothing except satisfying the vengance that the bitter and jealous have toward our nations best producers.

19 February 2009

Obama's Tax Cuts for the Wealthy!

2nd Day of the Dependent States of America...
AAL1 (I'm actually kind of giddy)

Tax Cuts for the Wealthy:


Where's the SCUM crying about Pres. Obama? This is his baby. Is it possible that it isn't possible to target tax-cuts or stimulus after all. Everyone that whined about Bush doing tax cuts for the rich are strangly silent on this. Hilarious Hyporites they are!

Soak the rich doesn't work:

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg admitted that only about 40,000 NYC residents produce 50% of the city's tax revenue.


RIR: What Becomes of NYC's other 6.96 million residents if these 40,000 move away?

On the Homefront:

NYC residents perhaps should move to Sioux Falls, SD. That's what Minneapolis Based TCF bank is planning to do...


"Soak the rich" the mantra of liberals everywhere is being shown as the failure and the politics of childeshness that it is...

New Holiday...

In Honor of President Obama puting every amerian man, woman and child on the hook for an average of $30,000 each with the signing of his stimulus bill Tuesday. Conservativeuncensored.com will be observing February 17, 2009 as "Dependence Day" (new CUB) as this is now the day the Dependant State of America are born.

Well maybe not all the states, some governors get that they're selling their souls to the feds if they take the stimulus bribe...


04 February 2009

N-Poo can't count


Of course since President Bush didn't say it the SCUM won't say mum.


02 February 2009

The Ruling Class doesn't pay taxes under Pres. Obama!

AAL 4 (new blog record):

One of the first thesis this blog was founded on is that the only class warfare that is a threat to our society is that between the ruling class and the regular voters.

Pres. Obama nominated Tim Geithner to the post of treasury secratary despite the fact he owed $34,000 to the IRS. This is the guy that will be auditing your asses as long as Obama is president.


He apoligies and his nomination is confimred.

Now defeated former Senate Majority Leader Tom Dasc-hole (new CUB: Defeated Former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle) is nominated to the Secretary of Health and Human Services position. It looks like Dems in the Senate are already paving the way for his confirmation once he apoligies for overlooking the $130,000 he owes the IRS.


By VP Biden's standards these two are both unpatriotic because "it's patriotic to pay taxes." But he will never call these two on it because the DUC's (new CUB: Democtrat Ruling Class) live by different rules than the rest of us.

I suppose I could try to cheat the IRS out of $100,000 next year and when they jump on my ass just say "I'm sorry."

But I'm not a DUC. The Media treats them differently. Our rulers get special privledges, that is so far what the Obama presidency has been about. Hope, Change and screw you taxpayers.

30 January 2009


If ever there was a perfect example of the picture of lemming following each other over a cliff, it's people who believe

Before you become one of these lemmings give this a read about the "history of global warming"


Interesting how a series of observations in a short time became this catastrophe. How we're basing our own doom on what is a blip on a planet that is thousands of years old (hundreds of millions of years if you believe in evolution, which many global warming believers do).

I will always be skeptical because I believe in the alterior motives of global warming policies, you may too after reading the story.

29 January 2009

Biparitisanship found only in opposition to the stimulus!


11 Dems joined every house republican voting against the stimulus bill, even though it still passed overwhelmingly.


These 11 Dems must have remembered that the american people that didn't want the bailout President Bush signed into law last fall and has done nothing it was supposed to do.

This means the Dems (save the 11) are SOLEY RESPONSIBLE for the stimulus bill we can't afford. I don't see how all this infrastructure will stimulate the economy. The only return the government will get on this is the extra tax revenue from these blue collar workers. But that won't nearly cover the costs of the projects unless.....

The Dems are planning to raise taxes on these same workers (that's the dirty little secret about how this is going to work).

Overtaxation is what is crippling this economy. It seems the Republicans are finally starting to get it (at least the house ones). Hopefully this party line vote signals a possible end to this "big government conservative movement" that has cost the party dearly in the last two elections.

23 January 2009

Holy Cow this is brilliant if I do say so myself...


What is the one phrase the left invented to make them feel good about not supporting the president in defending our country?

"We support the troops but not the war."

We can have a long debate about how possible that really is. It's impossible to determine without having a defintion of support.

But since that definition is so vague I think it's very possible for conservatives to

"Support the President while disagreeing with his ideas" by the same standard.

And remember what Sen. Hillary Clinton said "It's patriotic to disagree with any administration."

Will these brilliant thoughts keep the left from calling conservatives un-american for disagreeing with Obama.

I can hope, but in my heart I know, probably not.

Still I like my thought

21 January 2009

Al Gore Shvering...

AAL1 (actually I'm laughing):

Here's a creative ice sculpture of that other liberal with a god complex:


20 January 2009

Back for Inaguration


So CU took a little break between the election and today, I kind of figured not to harsh the mellow of my readers that are Obama supporters. But now that he is officially the president, I just want to say I do wish him the best for our country. Not that's there's anything he did in his campaign that leads me to believe he will. Some conservatives are trying to take solace in his vagness (anyone still know what hope and change mean?), I am not as optimistic. That said he is my president (a courtesy in recognition most liberal voters did not extend Pres. Bush for the last 8 years), and I do want him to well. (I wonder if there's a chance in hell conservative author George Will changed Obama's mind on anything when they visited earlier this week?).

Today's post is just a few quick shots...

I guess there are a couple reasons to possibly take solace in Pres. Obama's vagueness. The rumors that he's not going to close Guantanamo Bay right away, and he's not going to soak the rich right away, would be to campaign promises I could live with him breaking. If you really think about it, if Pres. Obama breaks these two campaign promises he is officially almost as conservative as John McCain (I could send him a medal).

If he breaks these two promises, and all the people that voted for Pres. Obama don't denounce him for it, you are all officially THE WORST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD if you denounced Pres. Bush for the same thing (I'm looking at you Olberjerkoff).

So an email went out where I work to "Make sure we don't stream the Obama Inaguration while at work as that is detrimental to our resources."... Yeah, I'll try to resist...

RIR (New CUB, Rush Is Right)... Why do Pres. Obama supporters want conservatives to give him a chance before we criticize him when most of these same people crucified Justice Clarence Thomas when Pres. Bush (41) nominated him to the Supreme Court? More of THE WORST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD.

To Sen. McCain's credit he is being honest about the fact that Gov. Palin gave him a chance after Obama's acceptance speech (I'd like to think his praise is genuine and not being made only because it would reflect too poorly on him personally if he threw her under the bus like everyone else). As for his staffers and GOP insiders, I hope they burn in hell for by trying to blame the defeat on her.

Obama won, but conservatism didn't lose, was there conservatism anywhere on the ballot in November (Oh that's right Minnesotas 3rd and 6th districts, wtg Reps. Paulson and Bachman).

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is a much welcomed threat to the centrist GOP establishment. The 2012 presidental nomination will be a proxy fight for control of the party between the centrists and the conservatives (possibly represented by Gov. Palin).

There is no need for a centrist third party, the Republicans are now the centrist party. If a third party wants to form, there's plenty of room on the right, the Republicans don't give a damn about them anyomre.

Hey Republicans! Isn't it awesome to be the centrist party. You get votes from both the left and the right, right? How well is this brilliant PSB (new CUB, Poli-sci Brat) theory translating in to House and Senate seats...

I'm trying to respect Democratic leadership but Rep. N-Poo (New CU Blogword, Nancy Pelosi, D-CA) is making it difficult by making veiled threats to arrest Pres. Bush administration officials.


I find it hilarous that unrepentant murderer-slash-"guy in Pres. Obama's neighborhood" Bill Ayers got denied trying to get into Canada this week. Why is he leaving? Didn't he get the memo? His guy won! Even the Baldwin brothers are staying home (even conservative Stephen isn't making the leave the country threats his brother made in 2004).


Oh I suppose if you read the link he's now an educrat wannabe giving lectures in Canada. Good to know the people at Canada's borders have some brains, unlike their universities (our universities are pretty brainless too for that matter).

CU promises to address all the issues of the day, praise who deserves to be praised, and damn who deserves to be damned. Regardless of party. Conservatism is the way for the american dream, not empty suits creating a class of people reliant on the government.