30 January 2009


If ever there was a perfect example of the picture of lemming following each other over a cliff, it's people who believe

Before you become one of these lemmings give this a read about the "history of global warming"


Interesting how a series of observations in a short time became this catastrophe. How we're basing our own doom on what is a blip on a planet that is thousands of years old (hundreds of millions of years if you believe in evolution, which many global warming believers do).

I will always be skeptical because I believe in the alterior motives of global warming policies, you may too after reading the story.

29 January 2009

Biparitisanship found only in opposition to the stimulus!


11 Dems joined every house republican voting against the stimulus bill, even though it still passed overwhelmingly.


These 11 Dems must have remembered that the american people that didn't want the bailout President Bush signed into law last fall and has done nothing it was supposed to do.

This means the Dems (save the 11) are SOLEY RESPONSIBLE for the stimulus bill we can't afford. I don't see how all this infrastructure will stimulate the economy. The only return the government will get on this is the extra tax revenue from these blue collar workers. But that won't nearly cover the costs of the projects unless.....

The Dems are planning to raise taxes on these same workers (that's the dirty little secret about how this is going to work).

Overtaxation is what is crippling this economy. It seems the Republicans are finally starting to get it (at least the house ones). Hopefully this party line vote signals a possible end to this "big government conservative movement" that has cost the party dearly in the last two elections.

23 January 2009

Holy Cow this is brilliant if I do say so myself...


What is the one phrase the left invented to make them feel good about not supporting the president in defending our country?

"We support the troops but not the war."

We can have a long debate about how possible that really is. It's impossible to determine without having a defintion of support.

But since that definition is so vague I think it's very possible for conservatives to

"Support the President while disagreeing with his ideas" by the same standard.

And remember what Sen. Hillary Clinton said "It's patriotic to disagree with any administration."

Will these brilliant thoughts keep the left from calling conservatives un-american for disagreeing with Obama.

I can hope, but in my heart I know, probably not.

Still I like my thought

21 January 2009

Al Gore Shvering...

AAL1 (actually I'm laughing):

Here's a creative ice sculpture of that other liberal with a god complex:


20 January 2009

Back for Inaguration


So CU took a little break between the election and today, I kind of figured not to harsh the mellow of my readers that are Obama supporters. But now that he is officially the president, I just want to say I do wish him the best for our country. Not that's there's anything he did in his campaign that leads me to believe he will. Some conservatives are trying to take solace in his vagness (anyone still know what hope and change mean?), I am not as optimistic. That said he is my president (a courtesy in recognition most liberal voters did not extend Pres. Bush for the last 8 years), and I do want him to well. (I wonder if there's a chance in hell conservative author George Will changed Obama's mind on anything when they visited earlier this week?).

Today's post is just a few quick shots...

I guess there are a couple reasons to possibly take solace in Pres. Obama's vagueness. The rumors that he's not going to close Guantanamo Bay right away, and he's not going to soak the rich right away, would be to campaign promises I could live with him breaking. If you really think about it, if Pres. Obama breaks these two campaign promises he is officially almost as conservative as John McCain (I could send him a medal).

If he breaks these two promises, and all the people that voted for Pres. Obama don't denounce him for it, you are all officially THE WORST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD if you denounced Pres. Bush for the same thing (I'm looking at you Olberjerkoff).

So an email went out where I work to "Make sure we don't stream the Obama Inaguration while at work as that is detrimental to our resources."... Yeah, I'll try to resist...

RIR (New CUB, Rush Is Right)... Why do Pres. Obama supporters want conservatives to give him a chance before we criticize him when most of these same people crucified Justice Clarence Thomas when Pres. Bush (41) nominated him to the Supreme Court? More of THE WORST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD.

To Sen. McCain's credit he is being honest about the fact that Gov. Palin gave him a chance after Obama's acceptance speech (I'd like to think his praise is genuine and not being made only because it would reflect too poorly on him personally if he threw her under the bus like everyone else). As for his staffers and GOP insiders, I hope they burn in hell for by trying to blame the defeat on her.

Obama won, but conservatism didn't lose, was there conservatism anywhere on the ballot in November (Oh that's right Minnesotas 3rd and 6th districts, wtg Reps. Paulson and Bachman).

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is a much welcomed threat to the centrist GOP establishment. The 2012 presidental nomination will be a proxy fight for control of the party between the centrists and the conservatives (possibly represented by Gov. Palin).

There is no need for a centrist third party, the Republicans are now the centrist party. If a third party wants to form, there's plenty of room on the right, the Republicans don't give a damn about them anyomre.

Hey Republicans! Isn't it awesome to be the centrist party. You get votes from both the left and the right, right? How well is this brilliant PSB (new CUB, Poli-sci Brat) theory translating in to House and Senate seats...

I'm trying to respect Democratic leadership but Rep. N-Poo (New CU Blogword, Nancy Pelosi, D-CA) is making it difficult by making veiled threats to arrest Pres. Bush administration officials.


I find it hilarous that unrepentant murderer-slash-"guy in Pres. Obama's neighborhood" Bill Ayers got denied trying to get into Canada this week. Why is he leaving? Didn't he get the memo? His guy won! Even the Baldwin brothers are staying home (even conservative Stephen isn't making the leave the country threats his brother made in 2004).


Oh I suppose if you read the link he's now an educrat wannabe giving lectures in Canada. Good to know the people at Canada's borders have some brains, unlike their universities (our universities are pretty brainless too for that matter).

CU promises to address all the issues of the day, praise who deserves to be praised, and damn who deserves to be damned. Regardless of party. Conservatism is the way for the american dream, not empty suits creating a class of people reliant on the government.